วันเสาร์ที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Economy: one of the many benefits you can get from outsourcing telemarketing

Consumers around the world are always looking for two traits whenever they spend money on a service or item: its quality and price. Although it is known that high quality goods can arrive at very high prices, this does not mean that every quality of a product or service on the market contains a steep price tag. There are still those things that are high quality, but still allows a person to save on their hard earned cash.
For business owners in the United Kingdom, their money will be well spent at desired location. Acquisition of the highest class of goods or services, while still being able to save on cost is a priority. There is nothing wrong with pulling out all the stops to acquire high quality goods or services. However, not every company has a Uk luxury gather the necessary finance for the purchase. In addition, not all can effectively get a return of capital in a fast PACE to return the amount of money spent to purchase.
So get the right product or service, it should always be the right price with the right level of quality. Take, for example, telemarketing outsourcing services. Many contact centres are known for their superior service and their steep prices. Nevertheless, one should not be encouraged after looking at these prices it is with the quality of their services, which gets the job done for most marketing campaigns. In other words, the price for these services is quite reasonable, if you look at the success of the campaign will bring once it is completed.
With the help of a reputable call centre cost effectiveness is achieved as the greatest asset of the campaign.
How is this possible if the price is so high?
Let's get right to the facts, telephone marketing campaigns are a heavy burden for the majority of companies in the UK, if stored for long periods. To start using basic utilities such as electricity and telephone is in continuous use from the beginning of the marketing campaign before it finishes. With inflation on the rise of electricity and telephone are nothing to laugh about.
Now what happens when external campaign? Generally speaking, a company of Great Britain no longer need to worry about is intensely expensive electric or telephone Bill. Call centers can take care of their own public services for the benefit of the company. Therefore receive these external services may not be cost effective for the first time, but it will be a longer campaign.
What is good about getting assistance from these centres is cost effectiveness is only one of the many benefits that can be achieved from the campaign. Other benefits include:
Expansion of assortment of the common market
Meet marketing objectives at a fast pace
Reach prospects from miles away with one phone call
Increased resources for the company rather than spend them all
Reduced training costs and sometimes resets
Acquisition of quality necessary for a marketing campaign at the most reasonable price
If you are a business owner, or living in the UK, one way or the other, you can try outsourcing your marketing campaign in a trusted contact center if you want to achieve these benefits and much more.

Sarah Barnes as telemarketers, an expert with experience of 11 years as a sales analyst for small and medium-sized companies. Sara invites you to visit http://www.121directmarketing.com/for more information on qualified sales appointments.

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Effective Telemarketing Scripts

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Marketing is an important aspect in every successful business. Nowadays when telecommunication technology is more advanced than before, telephones play a crucial role in product or service promotion via telemarketing. This process involves an agent making unsolicited or cold calls to potential customers. Telemarketing can also refer to answering the queries or complaints of customers to resolve an existing issue.

Usually, a telemarketing script is followed to increase the probability of making each call successful. This is important because the business wants to sell what it can offer to as many people as possible for a bigger profit. For this reason, telemarketing scripts are made in such a way that potential customers found from lead generation will stay on the line instead of hanging up. Fortunately, there are agencies who prepare telemarketing scripts that will suit the needs of a particular business.

Common elements appear in all telemarketing scripts. The first thing that you will notice in these scripts is the introduction part. An agent making the call greets potential customer by introducing himself/ herself in a perky tone. Next, it often allow the recipient of the call to be engaged in a conversation with a few rhetorical questions coming from the agent. This would also be the time for the agent to state the purpose of the call. Some telemarketing scripts also include this part to identify some problems that might be experienced by the customer.

Telemarketing scripts also provide a way to connect the product or service offered by a business as a perfect solution to the problems identified earlier. This would be the perfect opportunity to make a sales pitch. Finally, the scripts end by closing the deal. The agent asks for contact details of the customer as well as the preferred methods of product shipment and payment

Callers that are armed with great telemarketing scripts usually make a successful sale because all the information that is needed to answer possible queries is given clearly. Following a script will also avoid wasting the time of potential customers as it delivers product or service information in an organized fashion. So, if you want to promote your business in the most cost effective way, telemarketing is one option that will be a win-win situation for both you and the consumer.

In summary, the effective script should starts with a positive and professional introduction which will immediate build up the rapport. Merely by saying "how are you today?" is not enough in building up rapport. You've to be consultative, asking non threatening questions and establishing the need that will lead to a close.

Steve Kent Lim has more than twenty years experiences in telemarketing. He currently works as a direct sale telemarketing consultant. He helps B2B companies increase their revenue by generating sales leads and appointment through telemarketing. These days he spends his time writing articles related to telemarketing at http://www.howtotelemarketing.com/

วันศุกร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

Cold Calling - Cold Calling Techniques That Really Work!

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Call it cold-calling; call it telemarketing; call it sales; telesales; call it lead nurturing. At the end of the day one thing remains common: you want to connect with the person at the other end of the line and sell them something.

Now I'm in a unique position as a marketing professional. Not only do I have the pleasure of working with "inside sales" and developing programs, scripts, etc., I also have the pleasure of receiving many of these "cold calls". As such, I feel a kinship, heck even empathy, for those folks who are on the other end of the line/email when it seemingly appears out of the blue.

I have made it a personal rule over the years that if I don't recognize the incoming phone number, it goes to voice mail. If I do happen to pick up the phone, in a momentary lapse of judgement, you'd better be on the ball. I can promise you, no matter what time it is, I DON'T have a few minutes to spare right now. Offer to book a time and send me some information in advance.

If you REALLY want to talk to me then I need to see the value in it. How will you make my job easier, my day better or my campaigns more successful? Know who you're talking to, both from a business perspective and a persona perspective. Understand my challenges and offer a differentiating alternative.

On the other hand, I do tend to sympathize more than others, since I too am measured on the success of outbound marketing and lead conversion. This means that yes, I may fill out your survey, I might listen to your pitch, I will review (skim) the material you send me and I will probably visit your website.

So if you want to elicit a response from me, here are my top tips:

Do speak slowly and clearly. Spell your name and/or company name if you have to. And for goodness sakes don't whiz through your phone number!Do tell me why you're calling.Do send me a proper calendar invite when I agree to a call. Make sure your contact details are included should I need to reschedule.Do spell-check your email and any attachments you send me.Do have a compelling subject line for your email and make sure the 1st paragraph supports it.Do make sure you know my name and the name of my company.Don't leave a voice mail that says you want to discuss an "opportunity" without giving me some clue as to what it's about.Don't leave your whole pitch in a voice mail. If 10 seconds has passed and you're still droning on, I will hang up.Don't tell me you have done work with IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, etc. Apparently everyone has. It doesn't differentiate you.

Finally, if it sounds like you're reading from a script, if there are lots us "umms" and "errs" then, you guessed it....CLICK.

But here's the good news. If you impress me with your approach and if I see a fit for your product/solution, chances are very high that I will give you an opportunity to quote for my business. And once you win me as a customer, and deliver on your promises, then not only will you have a repeat customer, but you will also have a loyal recommender to a vast network of colleagues and friends.

About Joanne Gore

Joanne Gore has nearly twenty years of enterprise marketing and communications experience, including corporate and small office environments. She is a talented and creative marketing professional, always positive and able to see the big picture. She possesses the organization/prioritization skills which allow her to manage multiple projects from inception to implementation, meeting deadline demands and budgetary constraints.

A true mentor, Joanne marries her passion for marketing with clear, creative feedback and inspiration. Joanne develops lead generation and conversion programs, re-brands product lines, implements social media strategies, manages PR and media relations campaigns, overhauls websites, develops highly targeted marketing campaigns, and delivers results.

Joanne is a marketing geekette by day, a fitness instructor by night, and a mom 24-7.

Email: joannegore@rogers.com
Blog: http://joannegore.wordpress.com/

วันอังคารที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

Voice Mail As a TeleSales Tool

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Does it seem like voice mail is the bane of your inside sales existence? As inside sales people, we want to be able to directly speak with our decision makers. When we get voice mail after voice mail, it can seem as though we are wasting our calling efforts. Voice mail, however, presents us with some unique opportunities.

For some telesales personnel, the opportunity to say something - anything - to a live person is all that counts. This can be an unwise and wasteful attitude. Used effectively, voice mail is a powerful addition to our telesales toolkit.

The subject of how to handle voice mail effectively is a particular favorite in my training classes. One of my favorite questions to ask a group of people about voice mail is "How many people have received unintelligible or incoherent voice mail messages?" Without hesitation, every hand in the room will shoot up. Here's the rub: it stands to reason that if we all get unintelligible voice mail messages, we are all leaving unintelligible voice messages.

Let's take a look at what make a voice message unintelligible. Many voice mail messages are spoken too quickly, leave no return telephone number and consist of a rambling message. Prepared for properly, there is no reason to be incoherent or inarticulate.

There are steps to take which can help ensure a greater return on your telesales time investment.

Slow down. Probably the biggest offender of poor messaging is speaking too fast. You want people to be able to comprehend your message - and in some cases write it out while listening - the first time they listen to it.

Make sure you leave your first and last name as well as your telephone number twice during the voice mail message. Give your name up front, leave your message, give your telephone number, repeat your telephone number. This allows people to get the pertinent information without having to listen to the message a second time.

To message or not to message. There are two schools of thought. One is just leave your name and number, the other is to leave a detailed message so the person will have enough information and/or reason to call you back. Both have their pluses and minuses. I felt that both techniques can be used, but you must be careful how you use them. Avoid leaving a voice mail message the first 2-3 times you call. Really, your goal is to speak with a live person. If you've tried at different times over a few days and can't reach someone, then it's time to leave a message. The pitfall of just leaving a name and number is when you are called back the decision maker will be turned off when realizing this is a sales call.

Be prepared to call back. Do not expect a call back from leaving a message. Instead, think about building a campaign of messages. Over time, you will have made a great sales case for yourself. Voice mail messaging should be thought of as a radio advertising campaign. You have 30 seconds with your target market to convincingly get your point across.

If you are given a choice by a receptionist, ask for voice mail. Remember messages aren't always passed on. Make your calls in a relatively quiet place. Whether you're actually reaching decision makers or leaving lots of messages, you want to be able to concentrate on your activities.

Create a message outline that includes your name, company name, an interest generating statement and call to action. Finish your message by leaving your telephone number, repeat your number again slowly and thank them for listening.

You should develop several interest gathering statements that you can use sequentially over a period of 3 to 4 calls. Each statement while being short, informative 1 or 2 sentences that give people a reason to call you back, should build on each other. Give people a chance to get to know you.

Remember these basic points: Always use your first and last names. It shows accountability and professionalism. Use area codes with your phone numbers - not everyone is using a phone with an incoming call display feature. Messages should be brief. Message should give reason to call back. Make message an opportunity for a 30 second commercial. Finally, before you even dial the phone: rehearse, rehearse.

Voice mail shouldn't be considered the bane of an inside sales person's job. Used properly, voice mail messaging can be an effective telesales tool.

Jo Ann Kirby is president of KRG Communications Group. She has 20 years experience in inside telephone sales/mgmt & customer service; and an extensive background in training & development. As a coach and motivator of sales people, Jo Ann works with a wide variety of sales positions in different industries. She excels at needs analysis and coaching. Find out more at http://www.krgcommunications.com/ Follow Jo Ann on twitter @kirbyjt

วันอังคารที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

Improve Sales By Understanding The Difference Between Customers And Buyers

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Customer and buyer are two terms used interchangeably but businessdictionary.com defines the terms as follows:

Customer - "A party that receives or consumes products (goods or services) and has the ability to choose between different products and suppliers."

Buyer - "Party which acquires, or agrees to acquire, ownership (in case of goods), or benefit or usage (in case of services), in exchange for money or other consideration under a contract of sale."

With the definitions above, it could be said that there is a very thin line that divides the two terms. Customers buy what they want and from whom they want while buyers buy what sellers want them to buy. Another point to emphasize is that customers are not necessarily your buyers.

Applying the first concept above, we could come up with a marketing approach that would maximize profit potentials. Instead of letting prospects buy what they want, make them buy products that you would want them to buy - those with higher profit margin. That way, you convert them from being customers to buyers.

One approach that could be taken is offering of additional products - products that would complement to the product that they bought. The idea is simply having them to spend more on your products. You could even throw out discounts just to entice them into buying more. It would create an impression that the more they buy, the more they save.

On your part, as a business owner, the more they buy, the higher is your profit. Another approach would be making the prospect interested on some other product instead of the product he is planning to buy. This would seem like marketing against your own product which would then result to higher profit.

This might sound difficult, especially to those who are new in the business world but there are options to get around with that. One is by having a marketing consultant and another option is to enlist the entire marketing task to a company that has specialization and experience over the matter. Yes, it would be an additional expense for your company, but it would all pay off in the long run. Return on investment could even be faster if you could enlist a company that would provide you with an above average service at a substantially lower cost.

Going on the second point mentioned above, we have to make it clear that customers are those that consume the products but it is not necessary that they are the one to personally buy it. This leads to two possible target markets - the customers and the buyers. In such scenario, it is necessary to identify who has the buying power. Buying power here does not only reflect financial capability but more importantly, influence over the decision to buy. There are instances wherein the buyer has the buying power. This usually happens if the customer does not have any specific preference over the product. In such scenario, marketing should be directed towards the buyers. Though, it may also be possible for the customer to have buying power. This is observable on products that don't actually have direct value on the buyer. Education, toys, and gifts are just few examples of products wherein marketing efforts should be targeted towards customers.

To sum it up, it is necessary to identify the profit margin of each product that you are offering and try to maximize your profit by pushing for those with higher profit margin. This would then be supplemented by properly directing your marketing efforts to the right target market.

Sheryse Currey
Data Rich Australia - Business Marketing
ABN: 72 884 886 102

Level 15 Corporate Centre One,
2 Corporate Court Bundall QLD 4217

TELEPHONE: +61-730538014
E-MAIL: sheryse@datarichaustralia.com
SKYPE: sherysecurrey

วันอังคารที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

The Difference Between Telemarketing and Telesales

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

What's the difference between B2B telemarketing and telesales?

These two terms are often misunderstood and are always interchanged. But bear in mind that the intention and plan of B2B telemarketing is really different from telesales. The unfavorable impression related to telemarketing is oftentimes due to its misunderstanding with telesales. The latter, as a matter of fact, is a form of telemarketing.

B2B telemarketing is very dissimilar in the sense that its purpose is to generate interest, foster additional contact, so that in the process, it can establish strong connections and calls are usually made directly to the decision makers within the likely or the present client's organization. Telesales call is normally utilized in the world of business to sell a product or service-or basically, to close a sale. Telesales will not be successful if the sale is not materialized and accomplished during the call.

Depending on the preferred results of your B2B telemarketing campaign, outbound phone marketing callers can try to attract the call recipients into wanting to hear and know more about the products and/or services they offer to the public. Or, these telemarketers also try to schedule a follow up visit with a firm representative in order to talk about the needs of the prospects, as they relate to the business, but in more details.

B2B telemarketing agents typically call and communicate in order to collect data from their clients or prospective clients to perk up their own processes and systems. These kinds of calls are regarded to as telemarketing surveys. The outcome of these telemarketing surveys are influential when it comes to developing strategic decisions, company procedures and policies.

And if you are seriously taking into consideration using a B2B telemarketing company, then, why not? There are plenty of services given by B2B telemarketing service providers to facilitate you if your company is not doing very well in the market these days. They can aid you in identifying business opportunities, build favorable leads, raise revenues, and more.

Building favorable business-to-business leads is by far one of the greatest advantages of a B2B telemarketing service provider. They could assist you on how to identify your audience and how to efficiently target them so that you would accumulate more sales and probably long-term clients. When you make use of a B2B telemarketing agency, it can help you in identifying opportunities that you may have possibly overlooked before. The significance of being always on the lookout for each opportunity as you possibly can cannot be overemphasized. They could aid you in identifying every opportunity and to go after it properly.

The, B2B telemarketing firms can help you in filling your pipeline right away so that you could speed up your sales cycle. The end goal would have to be improving your business by way of maximizing profit. There are actually several reasons as to why you should consider getting the services of the business to business telemarketing service providers. They serve to help you when it comes to your issues concerning with sales, identifying opportunities and the problems which may cause your business to fail.

Jayden Chu helps companies in Singapore and in other Asia Pacific countries increase their business revenue through lead generation and appointment setting services. He is a professional consultant for telemarketing services. To find out how you can increase your business revenue, go to http://www.callbox.com.sg/

วันศุกร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Software Lead Generation With Software Telemarketing

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Increasing revenue is all about making more sales. For a software firm, revenue is important as it brings in the needed funds in order for them to continue operating, and of course, to continue improving the products and types of services they can provide to their clients. Making sales however, is not such a walk in the park and one cannot expect sales to just happen overnight, especially when there aren't any good leads that are available. And as a fact of life, having business leads is important in today's business world. Software leads are much even harder to come by, especially ones of good quality. And although there may be all sorts of lead generation firms out there, one cannot be guaranteed of the results they will be getting.

For a software firm that develops and specializes in the development of ERP software, it is very important to have good lead generation services at their disposal. After all, the software they develop could turn out to be a very hot item in the market and they could make a hefty sum of profit out of it, the only problem being that without knowing who would be viable customers it would be very difficult to make sales. ERP leads can be acquired from many lead generation companies that sell leads lists and databases but when it comes to the finished product, a software firm wants to receive high-quality software leads that have high chances bring about more sales. When it comes to software leads, it is quite better to emphasize on the quality of leads, not the quantity. Although quantity is also good as it means more leads can be used at your disposal but what would that mean if all of them didn't even result in a sale? It would mean a waste on your investment.

With software telemarketing, however, that problem may have a chance to be rectified. When it comes to the generation of software leads such as ERP leads, software telemarketing gets the results that many software firms want to see. When you work with telemarketers, you can really expect that your lead generation campaign will take a turn for the better. Professional telemarketers know all the right ways to get the information they need out of prospect companies and out of clients they reach. This gives your software lead generation campaign a big boost to not only the quantity of leads, but also on the quality of the software leads that are generated. So when it comes to a service such as software lead generation, try having a telemarketing firm do the service for you. You'll be surprised at the outcome of the campaign.

And with other services such as software appointment setting or handling your customer service needs, software telemarketing is a wonderful thing to avail of if you have the resources to spare. It truly is a great sales and marketing solution and if you find your software firm in need of more software leads, or even sales, then this may just be the fix you are looking for.

Claire Hansen works as a marketing communications program manager. She is inviting you to visit http://www.erpsoftwareleads.com/ to learn more about lead generation and appointment setting for the software industry.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Do you have fear of calling? Here's an easy fix!

Professional sales people are shocked at the beginning of their careers, find that they have a fear of sales calls. This fear is not rational for those who developed the social skills and other competencies. Fear of challenge is real, and now there is a simple and effective solution.

If you are in sales or a small company, sales calls are part of your professional life. Without the ability to pick up the phone and calls on a daily basis the chances of success are slim. Consistent sales of phones are the cornerstone of most Top producing sales people.

Fear of cold calling or call reluctance can be surprisingly direct. Emotional freedom techniques (EFT) is an energy therapy that appeared at the beginning of the 1990 's.

Think about EFT as emotional acupuncture. We have the Meridian energy system works throughout our bodies; as the cardiovascular system. When we follow the sequence of clicking on specific "acupoints" on our body, the old emotional issues that are holding us back, to dissolve. Old injuries and unproductive emotion like shame, guilt, fear of success, feeling unworthy of success can be identified and released.

If you think this sounds incredible, your skepticism fade away as soon as you personally experience the remarkable results.

I was skeptical at first and then use EFT for my free daily frustration and relax easily when I wanted to help. I continued to use EFT in a dozen other matters, all with fantastic results. I have used EFT to become a better professional.

Medical and therapeutic practices worldwide use EFT to help millions of people. You can be completely free from any anxiety associated with cause resistance. Anyone who has ever experienced a call reluctance knows how completely miserable he feels.

Emotions and injuries that we have accumulated since childhood will remain in our minds and bodies as we grow into adults. The old, outdated beliefs to block the free flow of energy through our bodies healthy and prevent desirable behavior today. Although injury or negative experiences over years if not decades ago, remaining negative energy embedded in the us until it is released.

Once the negative ideas, feelings, unproductive beliefs and false assumptions are cleared from our being, new behaviors, beliefs, and ideas can take hold and give us new life. The most obsolete conclusions that we carry with us are not true and has never been true. Hurt us, and corruption beliefs affect our behavior.

"If only I had graduated from College, I would be able to handle this sales job." "Once I lose 10 pounds, I'll be better." "I want to be rich, but I'm afraid I'm not worthy of success. Bullshit. You can be a successful sales person today!

Free yourself from guilt, shame and senseless thoughts combined who sabotaged your life. Enjoy calling prospects and make money.

Kimberly Schenk is a writer/Executive recruiter/trainer. Cold calling therapy is designed to eliminate any reluctance to challenge or any negative emotions affect the performance, forever.

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Using Telemarketing Services to Generate New Businesses

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

The production and diversification of business operations correspond to a chief concern for almost all firms and enterprises. It is only natural that a lot of effort should be taken into consideration, and also time and money. Since setting up an in-house sales lead telemarketing team has proved to be quite costly, the rise of b2b (business to business) telemarketing to generate sales leads has become quite popular in the past years. Under this system, the favored and more cost-effective option for all companies and business enterprises is to outsource their telemarketing tasks. The end result would be more firms are capitalizing on all the benefits which can be obtained from partnering with a reputable telemarketing company.

Sales lead generation is among the most significant services which a telemarketing service provider can give. Other b2b telemarketing programs also involve telesales, email support, customer service and appointment setting. They can also be very advantageous to your organization. As a matter of fact, b2b telemarketing services represent the strongest and most cost-efficient strategy intended for direct sales. As already mentioned before, establishing a sales lead marketing team inside the company can be expensive and not time-effective. However, making use of phone marketing programs provided by a specific agency would improve your marketing campaign and expand your market reach, while at the same time, being very time and cost-effective. Not to mention that this useful and helpful tool enables business owners to supply the answers to all of their client's queries, while also rising above any likely unfavorable initial impressions as well as how to address the clients' concerns. Eventually, the telemarketing leads produce a continuous stream of possibilities for the development of business enterprises that make use of them, and of course, for the continued long-term success.

The most qualified sales lead generation could only be provided by the most professional and experienced sales lead telemarketing specialists. Intensive filtering of the target market of each firm and looking beyond the market trends of every particular niche is what makes sales lead generation qualified and makes sure that most leads would be closed out. But then again, sales lead generation is simply not just about giving a firm with a myriad of leads. It must be about sorting through these leads to the level of every company's precise needs and standards.

A professional sales lead generation would considerably add to the bottom line of your enterprise, but it takes a quality business to business telemarketing programs to guarantee that. Also, this process aids the sales staff within the organization very much, in that all the likely clients they approach will already be pre-qualified, which also means that the opportunities for the sales appointment converting into a real sale are higher.

With the advantages of telemarketing programs being covered, there is another facet to consider, and that is making the right choice in hiring a telemarketing firm. Moreover, the needs of the client should be the primary focus of the agents' continuous training. This is the kind of b2b telemarketing agency that business owners must be looking for, the kind that aims to ensure that every sales lead is just as good as a definite sale.

Belinda Summers is a professional telemarketer and appointment setter with extensive experience in generating qualified b2b sales leads for businesses through telemarketing. Learn more by visiting http://www.callboxinc.com/

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Quality Control: Software Telemarketing That Works

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Many fear that by making use of outsourcing and "off-shoring" that the quality of results and overall performance when communicating with clients is compromised. But just because some of these companies allow you to cut back on costs does not mean that they abandon your campaign and do not give an emphasis on the quality of their service, no, in fact some of them provide top-notch service, just at a price that may seem off-putting at first. That is why when choosing software telemarketing as a marketing arm to help in increasing overall revenue and gaining more clients, you can still be assured of excellent performance provided that you choose the right company for the job.

In fact, many telemarketing companies are at the top of their line of industry because even though they offer many services at lower costs, they still make sure to have the best staff and technology to do the job. This attracts more prospects to their table, their prospect customers knowing that they provide quality service. With that in mind, any software telemarketing firm that provides top of the line service to their clients are good companies to work with especially for special tasks such as lead generation software leads and software appointment setting. This service, however, can also be performed by in-house telemarketing departments. The problem with this is that some marketing professionals are not open to rejection. And since cold calling is the most effective tactic in generating software leads such (take ERP leads for example), sometimes "no" is an answer to be expected.

Business professionals who are not open to rejection won't last long under these types of circumstances will not be able to work effectively and soon enough, if the in-house telemarketing department is filled with these types of staff, it would crumble and mean losses for the company that made use of it. That is why assigning these tasks to a software telemarketing provider that has trained telemarketers specifically for this purpose is the best option. Aside from the reduced costs, you can expect their staff, them being specialists in their field, to bring you high-quality software leads. And when it comes to software appointment setting, a telemarketing firm that employs professional staff and all the latest technology is one that you can expect good results from. Software telemarketing providers like these are able to communicate effectively with your prospect customers, bring in more software leads and help you in closing more deals.

Quality control may be something you emphasize on when you seek for a third party specialist firm. But sometimes, that cannot be achieved without you directly controlling the campaign. But with a good telemarketing provider, that can all be turned around and high-quality results can be expected. So do not fear software telemarketing, give it a look and see just how professional firms work and how they are able to give their clients the results that are worth the cost. Get quality results when you give this marketing strategy a try.

Claire Hansen works as a marketing communications program manager. She is inviting you to visit http://www.erpsoftwareleads.com/ to learn more about lead generation and software appointment setting.

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

How Can Outsourcing To Telemarketers Be Good For You?

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

As far as doing business is concerned, the biggest problem that they could ever face was the need to be good in making profits. Now this is where the trouble comes in. How can they make a profit in a market that is full of competitors? This would call for additional support for entrepreneurs like you. If you are interested in finding viable business solutions for your firm, the n you might want to get a couple of B2B leads. After all, qualified leads are the best marketing aids that you can get. It can point you towards new markets, enhance the way you do your sales campaign, as well as give you the edge over competitors. What makes your sales leads reliable or not would depend on the skills of the lead generation firm hired to do the job. This makes it very important for an entrepreneur such as you to choose the right telemarketers .

At this point, you might say that this is where the fun part will start. After all, of all the challenges that many entrepreneurs face, the biggest problem is in choosing the right lead generation firm. B2B lead generation services is unbelievable effective in producing the leads that you need. The reason why a lot of companies these days are looking to outsourcing is because of the inherent limitations of small and medium sized firms. Many of these companies do not have enough budgets to set up their own in house team of lead generators. With the value and usefulness of B2B leads increasing every year, there is a greater demand for professional handling of these assets. This could perhaps explain the rising number of lead generation firms that specialize in the production of qualified leads for their various client companies.

Aside from traditional lead generation services, there is also another variation of it that has attracted considerable success from many firms. This is popularly called B2B appointment setting services. There is a lot of talk about the success of these firms to provide to their clients when it comes to providing quality sales leads. What makes appointment setting different from the conventional is because of its ability to address the needs of firms that do not have their marketing teams. Through the medium of telemarketing, telemarketers with appointment setting experience can generate potential leads, qualify these and the go ahead and set an appointment between the clients and prospects. All these can help you concentrate more on what you do best - closing the deal or make the successful sale. All this has become possible with the help of improved lead generation services. This is a very good investment.

All that remains is for your firm to work with the right lead generation and appointment setting provider. There are plenty of firms that they can work with, since there are so many of them scattered around the world. Of course, you will need to choose well since there are only a few telemarketing firms that can actually deliver what they promise.

Belinda Summers works as a professional consultant. She helps businesses increase their revenue by lead generation and appointment setting services through Telemarketing. To know more about this visit: http://www.callboxinc.com/

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Outsourcing telemarketing services: assisting Canadian firms in foreign business

Canada is among the top ten in the world. Through this he became an industrial power plant and one of the richest countries to date. And as for imports and exports market is big enough for Canadians, many firms also tend to be able to trade with other companies and organizations around the world. The largest importers of Canadian goods, happen to be the United States, Japan and the United Kingdom. With this in mind, these countries are potential markets for new B2B firms that succeed in their line of industry. And through the assistance of Telemarketing Services B2B companies can hope to reach prospects in these distant lands and negotiate good deals.

But first, in order to find prospects in these markets need to be B2B lead generation. When it comes to mind, one can think that the need for in-house call center and telemarketing can be necessary to be able to do so. However, that will take the long way around. Why trouble yourself to such expenses, takes a long time to come, when you can get one easily accessible for you, cost effective sales and marketing solutions and proven to work? Why not get a telemarketing outsourcing services to help you make sales and prospects of those foreign markets.

Although still fairly valid choice to receive telemarketing services, house campaign is not an ideal option for small and medium-sized companies because some do not have the necessary resources to be able to take advantage of such services. In the end you will need to hire new staff to perform the assigned tasks, you will also need to purchase the necessary equipment and services before you can implement the campaign. Another thing to note would be that you will also need to train your new agents, thus taking the time. Another thing to note would be the time it takes to build a call center. However, when you are leasing, or just not what you are looking for, then really there is no chance for this type of enterprise.

However, outsourcing, removes most of the things that have delayed implementation of the telemarketing campaign. In addition, as a cost-effective labor costs to pay for your chosen telemarketing call center will be considerably lower than what you would find yourself paying for new staff. Furthermore as these professional and skilled telemarketers have already experienced, it only takes a short amount of time before they can fully understand your product and market through the phone. You can also provide your own script call to assist them in introducing your company and the products and services you offer to your prospects. Equipped with skills, resourcefulness and knowledge about your company and what you make and sell, these telemarketers will be able to bring in sales, you want to be able to get you an appointment with your prospects, so you can start closing.

B2B lead generation will also help you when you need to find the prospects of those foreign markets. Most of the telemarketing call centers offer make your own lead generation as part of their transactions with you. This should also help to minimize expenses for you and (c) telemarketers are known to be some of the best when it comes to lead generation, you can expect to see soon a good client? (e) in these markets and more sales for your company.

Sarah Barnes as telemarketers, an expert with experience of 11 years as a sales analyst for small and medium-sized companies. Sara invites you to visit http://www.121directmarketing.com/for more information on qualified sales appointments.

วันศุกร์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Augment Offline Methods With Inbound Telemarketing Services

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AppId is over the quota

When you're in the CRM software industry (or any software industry for that matter), it seems like you're automatically guaranteed to opt for online lead generation first before anything else. Classical internet marketing methods like email blasting, website creation, blogging, and SEO are just some of the methods you instantly dedicate your strategy too.

Still, even internet marketing veterans and gurus don't neglect to suggest offline methods to augment your online ones.

For starters, you need to take a step back and try to be more objective. What are the flaws of online lead generation? What can be possible obstacles to all the internet-dependent methods that you've come to rely on? Ironically, a simple Google search will give you this brief list of common inadequacies.

1. Spam filters - The specific individuals who represent your leads are very busy people. Hence, there's a good chance that they've set their spam filter on full blast (or in your case, perhaps anti-blast).

2. Ignored website - It's not very easy to imagine a busy executive spending his or her precious time surfing websites. Having many competing websites all using the same SEO techniques as you can make your internet presence difficult to establish. Information overload - Even at the chance that they find time to look up your site, they might not spend a lot browsing it if the information becomes too much to digest. Sometimes it's best to give only what's simple but at the same time, it makes them want to know more.

3. Hackers - Perhaps the worst-case scenario. The internet can be crawling with these people and there's no telling when a hacker might just mark your site as his or her next big 'achievement'. Back-ups are good but the time it would take to restore a site attacked by hackers can require both precious time and extra costs from investing in technical staff.

This is why even internet marketers still look to offline methods in case their online ones aren't acting up to expectations. Some basic suggestions can be as simple as putting your website or email address on a business card to thorough like outsourcing a telemarketing company.

With regards the latter, it can be quite beneficial for a B2B-firm such as yours. As stated before, the people who represent your leads are very influential individuals in your target company. This isn't only because they're the type who can see the whole advantage of your software in assisting the way they handle their own clients. It's also because they're the only ones who can make full use of it from their own position as decision makers. Your means of communicating with them must be flexible and tact. The important thing to do first is not make a sale but to get information you can use to your advantage (be it to qualify a lead or to use it yourself when you finally reach the sales-making stage).

In B2B lead generation, control can be just as valuable as speed. You want leads fast but you also want to make sure your clients are qualified and know what they're signing up for when they finally meet with you. Outsource to a good software telemarketing firm and start giving your online methods an offline boost.

Claire Hansen works as a marketing communications program manager. She is inviting you to visit http://www.erpsoftwareleads.com/ to learn more about lead generation and appointment setting for the software industry.

วันอังคารที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Important Factors When Selecting an Outsource Call Center

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AppId is over the quota

Selecting a call center is a decision that many organizations in the United States must make in order to remain competitive or to handle increased call volume.

A call center or contact center provides a variety of services and reside in almost every country. Just like any other industry they have specializations and exist in a number of sizes such as startups, boutique centers, and large multi-country centers that will compete for your business.

Whether selecting a telemarketing partner is the result of cost considerations, improvements in customer service or some other reason, there are a number of factors that need to be considered before finally selecting your outsource partner. If your organization needs additional services such as clerical, back office or accounting services, then you need to consider if your outsource partner can handle all of the functions you require.

First you need to decide, based on the reason for moving the specific functions to a contact center, where you want the center to be located. You have three options; onshore (in the United States), near shore (Canada, Central or South America and the Caribbean) and offshore (everywhere else but most are in India or the Philippines).

Each area has its pluses and minuses which need to be carefully matched to the process you want to outsource. If neutral accents and knowledge of U.S. culture is needed then those considerations may target specific countries or call centers that specialize in calls to and from the U.S.

If you are selecting a center to make outbound sales calls to consumers then it needs to provide different agent skills then selling business to business and also must follow different federal compliance guidelines. The agents should not have accents that interfere with the process and some cultural understanding of the country in which you market your goods and services. When choosing a center for outbound sales keep in mind who will supply the calling list and, if calls are made to consumers (other than survey, nonprofit or political calls, the data list must be opt-in or DNC compliant.

If the call center receives customer payment by credit card then the call center needs to either be PCI compliant or adhere to your company's PCI compliance program.

If the payment is made through the telephone company either land line or mobile, then there are a number of phone company rules and FTC regulations along with specific rules and processes for refunds and conflict resolution.

If your primary concern is customer service, then you need to ask how the calls are distributed to the agents and does the center have 24/7/365 capabilities if necessary and can they maintain the required services levels at all times of the day.

When choosing an outsource telemarketing company training is critical since they will become a very visible arm of your organization. How they train their agents including product knowledge, script adherence and accent neutralization affects your customer experience. Does the outsource call center have their own quality assurance program and should you spot check? What is the management to agent ratio? These considerations are just a few that need to fit within the service levels that you expect from an outsource partner.

Don't forget to match your reporting requirements with the call center capabilities. You will want specific metrics regarding the calling lists used and dispositions of outbound and inbound calls. If you need to archive call recordings, the dialer software used by the call center should be able to handle this seamlessly.

This is a general overview of just some of the factors that must be included an any evaluation of outsource call centers or the construction of an RFP.

When selecting a call center, independent consultants are often employed to assist companies develop the strategy and design that is consistent with their needs.

If you want to avoid serious problems when selecting a call center then click here to learn more.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Telemarketing For 2012

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Telemarketing And Lead Generation

Lead generation has always been a problem for many businesses, as there is normally a saturated market, chasing down new business is normally a difficult process and one that is reserved to seasoned sales people.

Over the last few years with the growth of the internet, many companies have swapped their lead generation strategy from proactive marketing (such as telemarketing) to reactive forms of marketing (such as SEO and PPC on the internet) however as the internet has boomed, even this is becoming hard.

Telemarketing has been a strong part of the lead generation process for many decades now, but how is this being affected by the recession.

Why Was Telemarketing So Effective

The process was quite simple, pick up the phone, find out the contact name, hunt them down and sell to them. This is basically the process involved with tele selling, however prospects were receiving dozens of calls a day from businesses, telesales companies (working on behalf of businesses) that action had to be taken. Receptionists were told to block calls, people became rude on the phone, answerphones blocked calls.

However despite the problems, selling over the phone was the best way to target new business. For companies that were trying to target a specific market or client type, the old fashioned 'identify, research, target and close' sales process still worked (eventually).

How Have Things Changed

Competition has increased as the number of companies in the UK has increased, the market has stayed the same, so the concentration of competitors vs customers goes against anyone selling.

The internet has made the world smaller, it has changed peoples mindsets, so instead of reaching for the yellow pages, a local internet search is done. Instead of spending a day getting quotes for insurance from the phone book, a few minutes on price comparison sites saves time.

The recession means that a lot of companies are not spending, they are being cautious, which means that the number of 'active prospects' is less.

Can Telemarketing Work In 2012

Consider the above:

The competition is higherMarkets are quieterCustomer numbers are down as companies close

For this reason, telemarketing is more important than ever, as more businesses are struggling to sell their products and services. True that the internet has changed buyers perspectives, so now people feel 'if I need it, I can find it myself when I am ready'; however there does need to be a degree of 'prompting'.

Telemarketing can be used for relationship building, to build a relationship with a buyer so they see you as a friend rather than a sales person. This way they will buy when they are ready (with a little subtle helpful guidance) or when they feel they are ready.

Choosing The Right Telesales Partner

There are over 600 teleselling firms around the UK as well as hundreds of freelancers plus full time staff. How do you choose the best solution?

There are pro's and con's to outsourcing or using internal sales sources, mainly being around cost. It is more expensive to bring someone on (recruitment fees, training fees, incentives, salary, NI contributions, commissions etc.) rather than using an external source.

One thing to bear in mind is that by outsourcing, you are bring on an experienced agency, one that should know what they are doing and provide some sort of guarantee as to results.

Shop around, get quotes (as all telesales companies are profit making businesses) and talk to some of their current clients (to see if they are getting ROI on their telemarketing campaigns).

Marketing Quotes is a free price comparison service to UK businesses to help get free quotes and advise from local marketing companies.

วันเสาร์ที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

20 Facts of Telesales Every Telemarketer Should Be Aware Of

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AppId is over the quota

1. It's estimated in any telesales about 75% of people will only respond well is because of your voice and only 25% due to the words or phrases you use - so work on your voice - make it sound appealing and pleasing. Always smile when you're talking as it will put a smile in your voice.

2. Prepare your expectations in any telesales... 50% will not respond in any circumstances, 30% will be pleased to take the call and chat to you and the remaining 20% are the ones with whom the skilled telesales person will make the difference.

3. It may take up to seven calls before any decision to buy or accept an appointment is likely to happen in any telesales.

4. Use a prepared telesales script that has been proven to be effective before. This will save you a lot of time and will has a better result. The telesales script needs to be clear, concise, conversational, forceful and convincing.

5. Always plan your call such that it takes within a minute to arouse their interest.

6. For better result, always address their name when engage in any telesales.

7. Tell your prospects why you make such a call as quickly as possible. Don't wait, it's better to let them know what you're calling.

8. Listen and talk less. In any telesales call, it'll only be effective if they talk for 70% of the time and you for 30%. Pause regularly. Don't cut in but allow your prospect to fill the silence. Ensure that they know you are listening... use "yes"," I see", "I understand" etc.

9. Make sure your list is up to date and you're talking to the right person.

10. Make sure you ask if he or she is free to talk. "Is this the right time to speak?" If it is not the right timing, try and make an appointment instead or call back at another time.

11. Talk on the benefit instead of features of your product or services in your telesales call.

12. Listen carefully and take down essential notes. In any telesales call, it'll only be effective if they talk 70% of the time. You should not talk more than 30% in any telesales. Pause frequently. Don't interrupt and allow your prospect to finish the sentence. Let them know that you are listening... use "I see", "I understand" etc.

13. Getting to the point directly is much more effective instead of trying to engage people in a long call.

14. Target the person who could make decision and if possible find out how decisions are made. Who else is involved in the decision making that you need to talk to?

15. Ask for permission if he or she would like to answer some questions. "In order to see if what we have to offer will be useful and benefit to you, may I ask you a few simple questions?"

16. For better result, use active verbs and eliminate unnecessary expressions.

17. If you run into someone on the phone that is annoyed, don't interrupt but let them voice out their anger instead. Find out what's his or her problem and it'll help your telesales if you could solve their problem.

18. Learn to tackle any objections... "Do you have any doubts or question?", "I understand why you feel that way... 'ABC Company' felt the way just like you before...but now they're our very satisfied customer".

19. It is almost impossible to close a sale in every telesales mainly by just talking on the phone. You should always try and make an appointment to follow up in any telesales. People will only buy when meet face to face.

20. Keep record of your results for both success and failure of any of your telesales call for future reference.

Steve Kent Lim has more than twenty years experiences in telemarketing. He currently works as a direct sale telemarketing consultant. He helps B2B companies increase their revenue by generating sales leads and appointment through telemarketing. These days he spends his time writing articles related to telemarketing at http://www.howtotelemarketing.com/

วันจันทร์ที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Methods to Improve the Success Rate of Your Telemarketing Campaign

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AppId is over the quota

Most of the things in this world cannot improve on just by using one single tactic. Take for instance race cars; if a race car driver were to only focus on improving the performance of their engine and ignoring every other part of the automobile, then the driver would only attain one step in taking the lead in the race. Other race car drivers that have improved on the performance of the entirety of their vehicles will have a higher chance in reaching the checkered flag first.

Now if one were to look at this understanding in a business owner's point of view, there are many ways for them to improve upon their telemarketing campaign. As such, there is not a single, most absolute way of improving the entirety of this type of marketing campaign. Business owners should apply multiple tactics in order to benefit the campaign as well as improve the chances of increasing the business' return of capital.

Let us take a look at some of the more important tips on how business owners can totally improve their telemarketing campaign.

Use an effective calling script

If for instance the sole purpose of the telemarketing campaign were to gather fresh sales leads, then a good calling script should always be used. It is highly known that the most important part of the call starts at the greeting. As such, if the script does not utilize a friendly yet powerful greeting, everything else within the course of the call may fall apart. If this happens, the business may become one step behind within the competition.

As much as possible, sales representatives should avoid fillers when talking to prospects

Those "uhhs" and "umms" that people use when talking are called fillers. Sales representatives that use these all the time during the course of their call will have a lesser chance in catching the interest of their prospect. The main reason is because when a potential client or customer hears a ton of these during the call, their patience will drop significantly and their faith for the company that contacted them may be lost.

Use an up-to-date telemarketing list

Telemarketing calling lists are now being offered by numerous lead providers around the globe. These lists contain quite the number of fresh sales leads that businesses can contact for their benefit. These types of leads are those that have not yet made any sort of transaction from a business that is of the same nature as the one doing the telemarketing campaign. Using an up-to-date list guarantees the business of these fresh leads which can ultimately lead to the firm's financial success.

The tone of voice matters, a lot.

Imagine a sales representative that relies solely on the telemarketing script that they forget one important thing: they are still human. This is because if an agent were to rely on the script the tendency is that they will sound totally robotic over the phone. This provides an even lesser chance of them piquing the interests of their prospects which may lead to the campaign's downfall.

Experience brings forth good fortune for the campaign

Lastly, it is important to never underestimate the power of acquiring experience. A lot of people know that experience is the greatest teacher known to man and this thought does not escape a business' sales agents. Once a sales representative has gathered enough experience from hundreds of calls that they make, they can readily and easily adapt to any kind of circumstance that may befall upon them during the call.

Belinda Summers works as a professional consultant. She helps businesses increase their revenue by lead generation and appointment setting services through Telemarketing. To know more about this visit: http://www.callboxinc.com/