วันอังคารที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

The Difference Between Telemarketing and Telesales

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

What's the difference between B2B telemarketing and telesales?

These two terms are often misunderstood and are always interchanged. But bear in mind that the intention and plan of B2B telemarketing is really different from telesales. The unfavorable impression related to telemarketing is oftentimes due to its misunderstanding with telesales. The latter, as a matter of fact, is a form of telemarketing.

B2B telemarketing is very dissimilar in the sense that its purpose is to generate interest, foster additional contact, so that in the process, it can establish strong connections and calls are usually made directly to the decision makers within the likely or the present client's organization. Telesales call is normally utilized in the world of business to sell a product or service-or basically, to close a sale. Telesales will not be successful if the sale is not materialized and accomplished during the call.

Depending on the preferred results of your B2B telemarketing campaign, outbound phone marketing callers can try to attract the call recipients into wanting to hear and know more about the products and/or services they offer to the public. Or, these telemarketers also try to schedule a follow up visit with a firm representative in order to talk about the needs of the prospects, as they relate to the business, but in more details.

B2B telemarketing agents typically call and communicate in order to collect data from their clients or prospective clients to perk up their own processes and systems. These kinds of calls are regarded to as telemarketing surveys. The outcome of these telemarketing surveys are influential when it comes to developing strategic decisions, company procedures and policies.

And if you are seriously taking into consideration using a B2B telemarketing company, then, why not? There are plenty of services given by B2B telemarketing service providers to facilitate you if your company is not doing very well in the market these days. They can aid you in identifying business opportunities, build favorable leads, raise revenues, and more.

Building favorable business-to-business leads is by far one of the greatest advantages of a B2B telemarketing service provider. They could assist you on how to identify your audience and how to efficiently target them so that you would accumulate more sales and probably long-term clients. When you make use of a B2B telemarketing agency, it can help you in identifying opportunities that you may have possibly overlooked before. The significance of being always on the lookout for each opportunity as you possibly can cannot be overemphasized. They could aid you in identifying every opportunity and to go after it properly.

The, B2B telemarketing firms can help you in filling your pipeline right away so that you could speed up your sales cycle. The end goal would have to be improving your business by way of maximizing profit. There are actually several reasons as to why you should consider getting the services of the business to business telemarketing service providers. They serve to help you when it comes to your issues concerning with sales, identifying opportunities and the problems which may cause your business to fail.

Jayden Chu helps companies in Singapore and in other Asia Pacific countries increase their business revenue through lead generation and appointment setting services. He is a professional consultant for telemarketing services. To find out how you can increase your business revenue, go to http://www.callbox.com.sg/

วันศุกร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Software Lead Generation With Software Telemarketing

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Increasing revenue is all about making more sales. For a software firm, revenue is important as it brings in the needed funds in order for them to continue operating, and of course, to continue improving the products and types of services they can provide to their clients. Making sales however, is not such a walk in the park and one cannot expect sales to just happen overnight, especially when there aren't any good leads that are available. And as a fact of life, having business leads is important in today's business world. Software leads are much even harder to come by, especially ones of good quality. And although there may be all sorts of lead generation firms out there, one cannot be guaranteed of the results they will be getting.

For a software firm that develops and specializes in the development of ERP software, it is very important to have good lead generation services at their disposal. After all, the software they develop could turn out to be a very hot item in the market and they could make a hefty sum of profit out of it, the only problem being that without knowing who would be viable customers it would be very difficult to make sales. ERP leads can be acquired from many lead generation companies that sell leads lists and databases but when it comes to the finished product, a software firm wants to receive high-quality software leads that have high chances bring about more sales. When it comes to software leads, it is quite better to emphasize on the quality of leads, not the quantity. Although quantity is also good as it means more leads can be used at your disposal but what would that mean if all of them didn't even result in a sale? It would mean a waste on your investment.

With software telemarketing, however, that problem may have a chance to be rectified. When it comes to the generation of software leads such as ERP leads, software telemarketing gets the results that many software firms want to see. When you work with telemarketers, you can really expect that your lead generation campaign will take a turn for the better. Professional telemarketers know all the right ways to get the information they need out of prospect companies and out of clients they reach. This gives your software lead generation campaign a big boost to not only the quantity of leads, but also on the quality of the software leads that are generated. So when it comes to a service such as software lead generation, try having a telemarketing firm do the service for you. You'll be surprised at the outcome of the campaign.

And with other services such as software appointment setting or handling your customer service needs, software telemarketing is a wonderful thing to avail of if you have the resources to spare. It truly is a great sales and marketing solution and if you find your software firm in need of more software leads, or even sales, then this may just be the fix you are looking for.

Claire Hansen works as a marketing communications program manager. She is inviting you to visit http://www.erpsoftwareleads.com/ to learn more about lead generation and appointment setting for the software industry.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Do you have fear of calling? Here's an easy fix!

Professional sales people are shocked at the beginning of their careers, find that they have a fear of sales calls. This fear is not rational for those who developed the social skills and other competencies. Fear of challenge is real, and now there is a simple and effective solution.

If you are in sales or a small company, sales calls are part of your professional life. Without the ability to pick up the phone and calls on a daily basis the chances of success are slim. Consistent sales of phones are the cornerstone of most Top producing sales people.

Fear of cold calling or call reluctance can be surprisingly direct. Emotional freedom techniques (EFT) is an energy therapy that appeared at the beginning of the 1990 's.

Think about EFT as emotional acupuncture. We have the Meridian energy system works throughout our bodies; as the cardiovascular system. When we follow the sequence of clicking on specific "acupoints" on our body, the old emotional issues that are holding us back, to dissolve. Old injuries and unproductive emotion like shame, guilt, fear of success, feeling unworthy of success can be identified and released.

If you think this sounds incredible, your skepticism fade away as soon as you personally experience the remarkable results.

I was skeptical at first and then use EFT for my free daily frustration and relax easily when I wanted to help. I continued to use EFT in a dozen other matters, all with fantastic results. I have used EFT to become a better professional.

Medical and therapeutic practices worldwide use EFT to help millions of people. You can be completely free from any anxiety associated with cause resistance. Anyone who has ever experienced a call reluctance knows how completely miserable he feels.

Emotions and injuries that we have accumulated since childhood will remain in our minds and bodies as we grow into adults. The old, outdated beliefs to block the free flow of energy through our bodies healthy and prevent desirable behavior today. Although injury or negative experiences over years if not decades ago, remaining negative energy embedded in the us until it is released.

Once the negative ideas, feelings, unproductive beliefs and false assumptions are cleared from our being, new behaviors, beliefs, and ideas can take hold and give us new life. The most obsolete conclusions that we carry with us are not true and has never been true. Hurt us, and corruption beliefs affect our behavior.

"If only I had graduated from College, I would be able to handle this sales job." "Once I lose 10 pounds, I'll be better." "I want to be rich, but I'm afraid I'm not worthy of success. Bullshit. You can be a successful sales person today!

Free yourself from guilt, shame and senseless thoughts combined who sabotaged your life. Enjoy calling prospects and make money.

Kimberly Schenk is a writer/Executive recruiter/trainer. Cold calling therapy is designed to eliminate any reluctance to challenge or any negative emotions affect the performance, forever.