วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Inside Sales - Using After Sale Service As Leverage

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

The largest concern of an inside sales customer is that what they are being sold will not live up to what they were told they were purchasing. One way of alleviating that concern is with consistent customer service after the sale. This also gives you the advantage of bringing an additional value point to the table at the time of the sale.

Any one who is doing inside sales should always take in to account the level of service that they can provide after the sale. By demonstrating an interest in your customer after the sale you are showing them that you believe in your product and that you want to make sure it works well for them. This kind of service combined with a quality product can provide you with a solid flow of referrals.

Consider some of the after sale services you could provide with very little effort:

- A quick note or email thanking them for the sale (this is a minimum)

-Bi-weekly phone calls to check on satisfaction or results for first month

-A gift card or gift basket, only if justified don't over do it

-Following up occasionally with some industry specific information that might be pertinent to what they do

-A brief meeting with a knowledgeable member of your team for a strategy consultation

All of these things can be done at relatively low cost to you and can really improve the lifelong value of your customers. Most importantly to the inside sales person though is being able to use this service as an added benefit to your product.

Essentially you are saying "Not only do you get this really awesome product, but you get me!"

This is where the concept of selling yourself is derived from. The sale is really just the opening dialogue of hopefully a much longer relationship between an inside sales person and their customer.

Another useful technique for after sale care is using the consultative technique and offering your opinion on matters related to your industry or expertise. Especially in inside sales, you speak to many different executives and business owners on a daily basis, and it is your job to be interested in them and to find out about their business so that you can address their needs and provide a solution.

The information that you have is valuable to other people in that industry, and while you need to be careful not to reveal to proprietary information, use your industry knowledge to help leverage your sale.

Let the customer know what you think honestly and they will respect your opinion and give it value. Value you can use to get the sale.

If you follow these techniques you will find that your sales will increase and your customer relationships will have more value. After the sale service is really one of the most valuable tools you have in your inside sales tool box.

Bryan Cambra is an entrepreneur and sales person with 8 years of sales experience. He writes on business topics and specializes in marketing and sales. He is currently creating a reference guide for entrepreneurs on at http://www.thebusinesstutorials.com/, If you would like to submit to TheBusinessTutorials (Link Included) please contact Bryan at:


วันเสาร์ที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Making the Right Choice in Software Telemarketing Providers

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

One issue that many companies do not like when it comes to outsourcing or "off-shoring" services is about quality. Some business professionals understand and know that some of these specialist companies do not perform well and when you do outsource, there is a risk involved when it comes to the quality of service that is provided. So it is not a wonder as to why some software companies tend to avoid making use of software telemarketing in order to make more sales and increase their over all revenue. That is why when looking for a provider for these kinds of services, it would be best to know how the company you have your sights on goes about doing business.

First of all, check if your chosen provider is able to provide services that adhere to the Three T's: Talent, Training, and Technology.

Talent - Your chosen software telemarketing provider must employ only the most talented of people. After all, smart and talented people are able to learn more and much faster than those that aren't, making for a strong work force of telemarketers. These types of people will be able to work better within their environment and can manipulate the system achieve maximum productivity.

Training - A reliable telemarketing provider must be one that gives the best possible training to its telemarketers. When it comes to software telemarketing, improper training when doing services such as lead generation for software leads and software appointment setting may lead to poor results and both lessened productivity and efficiency. But a software telemarketing provider that provides the best training to their staff can produce amazing results for their clients and can truly increase the sales figures of their clientele.

Technology - When it comes to doing services such as lead generation for software leads (ERP and CRM leads being examples of them) and software appointment setting, the software telemarketing firm for the job would be one that has all the latest technology under their belts. When it comes to doing these tasks over long distances, faulty lines may be an issue and thus telemarketers may not be able to communicate effectively with prospect customer which in turn could drive away other potential businesses especially if they know that the software telemarketing firm in question does not provide quality service.

These three things, when your chosen telemarketing provider is able to meet them, is the firm to work with. This means that quality is of the essence and that you can be assured that this type of provider will be able to provide you with professional and high-quality service. Software telemarketing is not a service you should fear, rather it is one that works given that the software telemarketing firm you have chosen works with skilled and professional telemarketers.

Having a software telemarketing provider could prove to be a very beneficial marketing arm for your firm. When it comes to marketing software products and services and helping you close deals, software telemarketing is still a service that has its name at the top of the list.

Claire Hansen works as a marketing communications program manager. She is inviting you to visit http://www.erpsoftwareleads.com/ to learn more about lead generation and software appointment setting.

วันพุธที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Telephone strategy to grow your business, increase your client base and make more money

Do you know your receptionists/telephonists can make you more appointments and ultimately more money?

Now, I'm not talking about your reception/telephonists, making outbound phone calls/appointments/chasing up reminders/appointments missed or tracking down regardless of their normal working day consists of-I'm talking about something completely different ...

... something that not one thousand business and not an alternative health practice makes that I know ...

... and, in practice, that is guaranteed to make you more appointments, get more clients and create exponential growth!

In fact it's so simple, yet so effective, you'll wonder why you never thought of it before.

So without further ADO, here it is:

During lunch time when you do not answer the phone, and at the end of the day when nobody is around to answer the phone instead of answering phone or answering machine phone hours have how many of those calls as officer! The voice of real life and someone who knows about how you practice better than anything else (or any one!), you could use.

Before you implement this idea already a couple simple things you need to consider to get the most from this strategy and make it a business booster, that it really is. They are as follows:

1. you will need to have a print-out this week and next week and appointments diary for staff to use out-of-hours. Photocopy or get your practice management system to print out the schedule in advance. Thus, all appointments can be made on this copy schedule and handed over to the books of major assignments for the next shift.

2. you will need to spend what staff (and include myself in this) will be available to work when. You will also need to work late in the evening/night they will answer the phone and appointment-for example they will be answering calls to 9:0, 10:0 or midnight?

3. you will need to have a dedicated phone number for those of hour calls such as prepaid mobile phone that you can use. Thus, your personal phones won't be inundated with work related calls, and it's a lot easier to pass on the phone between all staff working in the system.

4. you will need to make sure that the emergency number are introduced to your patients. Either include this number in the literature or on your business cards.

5. as well as to pay employees their normal hourly wage for those extra hours, you might as well give them a bonus for each assignment that they do and more bonus for each new customer they make for an assignment.

This is one method is guaranteed to increase your Office visit for two fundamental reasons.

Firstly, as you know, not all leaves a message on your answer. Of course they can ring back later during the watch and make an appointment-or they can call in other countries in order to find someone who can help them. Having someone available "on call" will prevent those prospects looking elsewhere and this will allow you to make an appointment for your existing customers from time to time, which are suitable for them and you i.e. you can group all of your appointments in tightly confined areas.

Secondly, as I have referred to earlier, it is much better to have someone who knows how you practice and what you answer the phone. Thus, they can dispel any fears and answer any questions that potential customers may have when calling your clinic, and they are also available to all existing customers have any questions. Nothing is more important than the potential customer to hear real and knowledgeable voice at the end of the phone when they call--and if one is available, they are much more likely to schedule appointments.

There are some costs in this system, but it is balanced by the rise in the number of customers and the business that he brings in he is also one of the methods easier, you can trigger the growth of without you having to investigate other methods of marketing. Give it a try for six months, and I think you will be pleasantly surprised and if you don't you can always revert to the old system.

W. j. Simmons participates in additional health for more than 25 years as a practitioner and teacher. During this time, he noticed a wide divergence between how successful individual clinics have been one that had little to do with the skill of the doctor.

Successful clinics were all procedures, allowing them to maximize the number of patients whom they are attracted to existing patients and create links to will.

Learning from these doctors allow him semi-retire in his mid-40 's and help others grow their own clinics, using easy to implement ethical ideas. This know-how is available as the exponential growth of the practice. Receive a free copy of "how to generate high-quality leads and appointments" containing sixteen strategies to increase your patient numbers from http://www.exponentialpracticegrowth.com/newsletter.html. and start growing your practice now.

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Professional Telemarketers - Have Them Talk To Your Real Market

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Companies in marketing communications are all about talking to the market, to the customers. However, such a fixation on a consumer market could also result in a severe lack of it on your real market.

Now you might wonder what this 'real market' is. Yes it's true that being in marketing communications must mean you have a lot of methods covered. Internet advertisements. Billboards. Promos. They're all mean to really reach out to buyers. It also then follows that you know a lot about marketing for different industries. The research you conduct is dedicated to discovering the common needs and preferences of thousands.

With so many supposed targets, how can it sound like there's still only one 'real' market for marketing communications?

Well that's because despite how many people you'll attract to boost your clients sales, those sales are for them. They're not for you. Don't forget the source of your own sales and from that, you can easily discern you real market.

So where do you really get your money? Obviously from your clients. Who are your clients? Other businesses. Those other businesses are your real market.

If you've forgotten that or just neglected to think upon the implications of it, then you're forgotten an important part of your business' identity: you're a B2B service. To forget that is to forget an important process of generating B2B leads. Without these leads, how will you know who your next business partner is going to be? How will you plan for your next project if you have no product to promote? Have you forgotten that the famous four Ps include product?

Don't worry, it's not too late. You just simply need to evaluate where you are when it comes that process. In fact, the most important question to ask first is do you have the resources to really maximize it? Chances, are you might have already invested so much in expanding your B2C marketing methods that you either don't think one more would hurt or it will.

The truth is that doesn't matter much. What matters is the next question: Do you know what it takes? B2B lead generation companies use a surprisingly different set of methods that focus more on precision than finding out the common needs of large populations. Again, your real market is the one comprised of businesses and these businesses have key decision makers who can determine whether or not you're capable of giving their company what it needs.

To do that, you might need to use something like a more targeted email campaign or even telemarketing just to get that information. There's no denying that it will be difficult but at the very least, the acquisition of said information will tell your prospects that your business is very much serious in talking things over with them. And even in the case that your resources can't get you the telemarketers you need, there's always outsourcing. These days there have been plenty of telemarketing companies dedicated to the practice of lead generation and appointment setting for B2B. But in the end, the important thing is talk to your real market.

Kurt Wyatt is a B2B lead generation and appointment setting specialist that aids direct marketing and advertising companies in generating quality sales leads and appointments. Kurt invites you to visit http://www.dmacentral.com/ for more information.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

How to Find The Best Call Center Services

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Surprisingly many businesses chose their call center service providers based on their fancy technology and not their ability to produce results. This is like betting on a race where the car is super fast but the "driver" has little or no skills at all. In today's market there are hundreds of companies offering high end technology and cheap call center pricing. Such popular appeals are the $9 dollar per hour caller programs, but buyers beware, you get what you pay for. Like the need for a skilled car driver business need a highly skilled person to be effective. It is highly unlikely that anyone will pay $9 an hour for a telemarketer and actually end up with a person that has any sales skills whatsoever. These low cost companies hire non-skilled employees with talents that are limited to reading the script on their computers. There business is built 100% on the "it's a numbers game rule", or the fact that if a caller makes enough calls he or she will eventually close a deal.

When a company begins interviewing prospects they would be well served to find a company that has experience in business to business sales. Agents that are skilled at selling by phone are 50 times more likely to set an appointment, create a lead or convince a prospect to make a favorable decision. Make no mistake, at the end of the day it is all a selling game.

It is best to stay far away from companies that do not allow a testing period prior to engaging in a long term costly contract. A company that believes in its employees will have no hesitation allowing a client to try their services but they can expect to pay somewhere between $35 to $45 per caller hour. This may seem like a chunk of change but if someone were to calculate the math they would soon discover that doing this in-house would cost around $11 per hour for the telemarketer (plus benefits) and then they still need to build in the managers, phones, computers and extra office space.

An in house campaign can run a small office upwards of $50 hour and if that's not reason enough to outsource the work it would also be wise to keep in mind that they may not able to develop a script or find good talent to do what many consider a painfully brutal job with little satisfaction. Further, most business have no idea how to run a call center and moreover have no interest in the headaches of the time and money that goes into running one.

Author writes about a variety of topics including call centers, lead generation, appointment selling and telemarketing. If you would like to learn more please visit http://www.profilesandreviews.com/ or http://profilesandreviews.com/about-us

วันอังคารที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

The Costs Of Telemarketing

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

UK Telemarketing Companies

There are over 600 telemarketing companies around the UK all offering promises of great services, quick results and value for money.

There are 3 different kinds of telemarketing company:
Outbound Calling - Where calls are made to prospects and clientsInbound Calling - Where calls are received (like a call center or secretarial service)Both - Some telemarketing companies offer both (business is tough so they will tackle anything).

Most of these telemarketing companies are small, with less than 10 staff. Most are set up by ex telemarketers that have decided to go it alone and set up businesses for themselves.

Any new business has three objectives:
To bring on new clientsTo offer a good serviceTo generate revenue

Any new telemarketing company needs to generate lots of profit in order to afford staff costs, rent costs, expenditures and additional things (such as houses, cars, holiday's etc.) that the owner requires. All this needs to be taken into account when discussing the price of the campaign.

Telemarketing Charging Ranges

There are a few different charging models to calling, most companies conform to per day, but there are other structures.

Per Day

Calling companies range from freelancers that offer a 1 man band approach to lead generation and may charge ?150 per day (plus VAT @ 20%) up to larger established agencies that charge ?600 per day (plus VAT) and maybe a setup fee.

Per Month

Some calling companies charge a monthly retainer for ongoing calling which could be ?1,000 per month (plus VAT) up to ?6,000 per month (plus VAT) for more targeted work or using larger numbers of staff.

Per Call

Smaller calling companies offer a cost per call route (maybe 50p + VAT) which is a bit more flexible to smaller businesses. Calls that are not connected are not normally charged, so smaller businesses can see and track progress a lot closer to assess how results are looking.

Generally the smaller the calling business, the cheaper they are, as they have less overheads. This could mean less experience in telemarketing, but could mean a more personalised service.

Why Telemarketing Costs Vary

All calling companies have different charging structures based on what they feel they can get away with. This is the nature of sales, cost is not about the value, but what the seller can get away with. Similar to petrol prices these days, garages charge ?1.40 per liter because people are happy to pay that. For a days calling, is people are happy to pay ?400 and feel they are getting value for it, then that is what would be charged (maybe a little more).

The most popular form of charging for calling is a day rate (sometimes a monthly rate) for both inbound and outbound calling on the basis that it can be easily invoiced.

Most telemarketing agencies that are new will start on a lower day rate (say ?150 + VAT) and then increase it once they have a regular number of customers.

Tips For Negotiating Costs And Rates

One of the most important factors to consider during 2012 is results, cold calling and appointment making this year will be difficult and unfortunately the customer may be stuck with a big bill for calling work.

Work is slow and many businesses are reluctant to buy without an absolute need; therefore pushing for sort of results based work or guarantees is wise.
Ask for guarantees. Many telemarketing agencies will shy away from results based calling; however times are changing and some sort of guarantees are needed to avoid high day rates and no results.Shop around different agencies, there are lots of calling companies around and all are hungry for business.Ask for a trial before committing to a contract. Many agencies now offer 2-3 days of free calling to prove their worth and free trails are quite common.

Times are hard for all businesses and 2012 will be a make of break year for a lot of companies across many industries (retail, engineering, medical etc.) due to changing economics, government cutbacks and lower overseas prices.

For UK businesses, finding a reliable telemarketing company that can produce results is important; for calling companies, the need to go the extra mile and put in the extra work to satisfy UK companies is necessary.

Marketing Quotes is a free price comparison service to UK businesses to help get free quotes and advise from local marketing companies.