วันเสาร์ที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

20 Facts of Telesales Every Telemarketer Should Be Aware Of

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

1. It's estimated in any telesales about 75% of people will only respond well is because of your voice and only 25% due to the words or phrases you use - so work on your voice - make it sound appealing and pleasing. Always smile when you're talking as it will put a smile in your voice.

2. Prepare your expectations in any telesales... 50% will not respond in any circumstances, 30% will be pleased to take the call and chat to you and the remaining 20% are the ones with whom the skilled telesales person will make the difference.

3. It may take up to seven calls before any decision to buy or accept an appointment is likely to happen in any telesales.

4. Use a prepared telesales script that has been proven to be effective before. This will save you a lot of time and will has a better result. The telesales script needs to be clear, concise, conversational, forceful and convincing.

5. Always plan your call such that it takes within a minute to arouse their interest.

6. For better result, always address their name when engage in any telesales.

7. Tell your prospects why you make such a call as quickly as possible. Don't wait, it's better to let them know what you're calling.

8. Listen and talk less. In any telesales call, it'll only be effective if they talk for 70% of the time and you for 30%. Pause regularly. Don't cut in but allow your prospect to fill the silence. Ensure that they know you are listening... use "yes"," I see", "I understand" etc.

9. Make sure your list is up to date and you're talking to the right person.

10. Make sure you ask if he or she is free to talk. "Is this the right time to speak?" If it is not the right timing, try and make an appointment instead or call back at another time.

11. Talk on the benefit instead of features of your product or services in your telesales call.

12. Listen carefully and take down essential notes. In any telesales call, it'll only be effective if they talk 70% of the time. You should not talk more than 30% in any telesales. Pause frequently. Don't interrupt and allow your prospect to finish the sentence. Let them know that you are listening... use "I see", "I understand" etc.

13. Getting to the point directly is much more effective instead of trying to engage people in a long call.

14. Target the person who could make decision and if possible find out how decisions are made. Who else is involved in the decision making that you need to talk to?

15. Ask for permission if he or she would like to answer some questions. "In order to see if what we have to offer will be useful and benefit to you, may I ask you a few simple questions?"

16. For better result, use active verbs and eliminate unnecessary expressions.

17. If you run into someone on the phone that is annoyed, don't interrupt but let them voice out their anger instead. Find out what's his or her problem and it'll help your telesales if you could solve their problem.

18. Learn to tackle any objections... "Do you have any doubts or question?", "I understand why you feel that way... 'ABC Company' felt the way just like you before...but now they're our very satisfied customer".

19. It is almost impossible to close a sale in every telesales mainly by just talking on the phone. You should always try and make an appointment to follow up in any telesales. People will only buy when meet face to face.

20. Keep record of your results for both success and failure of any of your telesales call for future reference.

Steve Kent Lim has more than twenty years experiences in telemarketing. He currently works as a direct sale telemarketing consultant. He helps B2B companies increase their revenue by generating sales leads and appointment through telemarketing. These days he spends his time writing articles related to telemarketing at http://www.howtotelemarketing.com/

วันจันทร์ที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Methods to Improve the Success Rate of Your Telemarketing Campaign

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Most of the things in this world cannot improve on just by using one single tactic. Take for instance race cars; if a race car driver were to only focus on improving the performance of their engine and ignoring every other part of the automobile, then the driver would only attain one step in taking the lead in the race. Other race car drivers that have improved on the performance of the entirety of their vehicles will have a higher chance in reaching the checkered flag first.

Now if one were to look at this understanding in a business owner's point of view, there are many ways for them to improve upon their telemarketing campaign. As such, there is not a single, most absolute way of improving the entirety of this type of marketing campaign. Business owners should apply multiple tactics in order to benefit the campaign as well as improve the chances of increasing the business' return of capital.

Let us take a look at some of the more important tips on how business owners can totally improve their telemarketing campaign.

Use an effective calling script

If for instance the sole purpose of the telemarketing campaign were to gather fresh sales leads, then a good calling script should always be used. It is highly known that the most important part of the call starts at the greeting. As such, if the script does not utilize a friendly yet powerful greeting, everything else within the course of the call may fall apart. If this happens, the business may become one step behind within the competition.

As much as possible, sales representatives should avoid fillers when talking to prospects

Those "uhhs" and "umms" that people use when talking are called fillers. Sales representatives that use these all the time during the course of their call will have a lesser chance in catching the interest of their prospect. The main reason is because when a potential client or customer hears a ton of these during the call, their patience will drop significantly and their faith for the company that contacted them may be lost.

Use an up-to-date telemarketing list

Telemarketing calling lists are now being offered by numerous lead providers around the globe. These lists contain quite the number of fresh sales leads that businesses can contact for their benefit. These types of leads are those that have not yet made any sort of transaction from a business that is of the same nature as the one doing the telemarketing campaign. Using an up-to-date list guarantees the business of these fresh leads which can ultimately lead to the firm's financial success.

The tone of voice matters, a lot.

Imagine a sales representative that relies solely on the telemarketing script that they forget one important thing: they are still human. This is because if an agent were to rely on the script the tendency is that they will sound totally robotic over the phone. This provides an even lesser chance of them piquing the interests of their prospects which may lead to the campaign's downfall.

Experience brings forth good fortune for the campaign

Lastly, it is important to never underestimate the power of acquiring experience. A lot of people know that experience is the greatest teacher known to man and this thought does not escape a business' sales agents. Once a sales representative has gathered enough experience from hundreds of calls that they make, they can readily and easily adapt to any kind of circumstance that may befall upon them during the call.

Belinda Summers works as a professional consultant. She helps businesses increase their revenue by lead generation and appointment setting services through Telemarketing. To know more about this visit: http://www.callboxinc.com/