วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

How to Find The Best Call Center Services

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Surprisingly many businesses chose their call center service providers based on their fancy technology and not their ability to produce results. This is like betting on a race where the car is super fast but the "driver" has little or no skills at all. In today's market there are hundreds of companies offering high end technology and cheap call center pricing. Such popular appeals are the $9 dollar per hour caller programs, but buyers beware, you get what you pay for. Like the need for a skilled car driver business need a highly skilled person to be effective. It is highly unlikely that anyone will pay $9 an hour for a telemarketer and actually end up with a person that has any sales skills whatsoever. These low cost companies hire non-skilled employees with talents that are limited to reading the script on their computers. There business is built 100% on the "it's a numbers game rule", or the fact that if a caller makes enough calls he or she will eventually close a deal.

When a company begins interviewing prospects they would be well served to find a company that has experience in business to business sales. Agents that are skilled at selling by phone are 50 times more likely to set an appointment, create a lead or convince a prospect to make a favorable decision. Make no mistake, at the end of the day it is all a selling game.

It is best to stay far away from companies that do not allow a testing period prior to engaging in a long term costly contract. A company that believes in its employees will have no hesitation allowing a client to try their services but they can expect to pay somewhere between $35 to $45 per caller hour. This may seem like a chunk of change but if someone were to calculate the math they would soon discover that doing this in-house would cost around $11 per hour for the telemarketer (plus benefits) and then they still need to build in the managers, phones, computers and extra office space.

An in house campaign can run a small office upwards of $50 hour and if that's not reason enough to outsource the work it would also be wise to keep in mind that they may not able to develop a script or find good talent to do what many consider a painfully brutal job with little satisfaction. Further, most business have no idea how to run a call center and moreover have no interest in the headaches of the time and money that goes into running one.

Author writes about a variety of topics including call centers, lead generation, appointment selling and telemarketing. If you would like to learn more please visit http://www.profilesandreviews.com/ or http://profilesandreviews.com/about-us

วันอังคารที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

The Costs Of Telemarketing

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

UK Telemarketing Companies

There are over 600 telemarketing companies around the UK all offering promises of great services, quick results and value for money.

There are 3 different kinds of telemarketing company:
Outbound Calling - Where calls are made to prospects and clientsInbound Calling - Where calls are received (like a call center or secretarial service)Both - Some telemarketing companies offer both (business is tough so they will tackle anything).

Most of these telemarketing companies are small, with less than 10 staff. Most are set up by ex telemarketers that have decided to go it alone and set up businesses for themselves.

Any new business has three objectives:
To bring on new clientsTo offer a good serviceTo generate revenue

Any new telemarketing company needs to generate lots of profit in order to afford staff costs, rent costs, expenditures and additional things (such as houses, cars, holiday's etc.) that the owner requires. All this needs to be taken into account when discussing the price of the campaign.

Telemarketing Charging Ranges

There are a few different charging models to calling, most companies conform to per day, but there are other structures.

Per Day

Calling companies range from freelancers that offer a 1 man band approach to lead generation and may charge ?150 per day (plus VAT @ 20%) up to larger established agencies that charge ?600 per day (plus VAT) and maybe a setup fee.

Per Month

Some calling companies charge a monthly retainer for ongoing calling which could be ?1,000 per month (plus VAT) up to ?6,000 per month (plus VAT) for more targeted work or using larger numbers of staff.

Per Call

Smaller calling companies offer a cost per call route (maybe 50p + VAT) which is a bit more flexible to smaller businesses. Calls that are not connected are not normally charged, so smaller businesses can see and track progress a lot closer to assess how results are looking.

Generally the smaller the calling business, the cheaper they are, as they have less overheads. This could mean less experience in telemarketing, but could mean a more personalised service.

Why Telemarketing Costs Vary

All calling companies have different charging structures based on what they feel they can get away with. This is the nature of sales, cost is not about the value, but what the seller can get away with. Similar to petrol prices these days, garages charge ?1.40 per liter because people are happy to pay that. For a days calling, is people are happy to pay ?400 and feel they are getting value for it, then that is what would be charged (maybe a little more).

The most popular form of charging for calling is a day rate (sometimes a monthly rate) for both inbound and outbound calling on the basis that it can be easily invoiced.

Most telemarketing agencies that are new will start on a lower day rate (say ?150 + VAT) and then increase it once they have a regular number of customers.

Tips For Negotiating Costs And Rates

One of the most important factors to consider during 2012 is results, cold calling and appointment making this year will be difficult and unfortunately the customer may be stuck with a big bill for calling work.

Work is slow and many businesses are reluctant to buy without an absolute need; therefore pushing for sort of results based work or guarantees is wise.
Ask for guarantees. Many telemarketing agencies will shy away from results based calling; however times are changing and some sort of guarantees are needed to avoid high day rates and no results.Shop around different agencies, there are lots of calling companies around and all are hungry for business.Ask for a trial before committing to a contract. Many agencies now offer 2-3 days of free calling to prove their worth and free trails are quite common.

Times are hard for all businesses and 2012 will be a make of break year for a lot of companies across many industries (retail, engineering, medical etc.) due to changing economics, government cutbacks and lower overseas prices.

For UK businesses, finding a reliable telemarketing company that can produce results is important; for calling companies, the need to go the extra mile and put in the extra work to satisfy UK companies is necessary.

Marketing Quotes is a free price comparison service to UK businesses to help get free quotes and advise from local marketing companies.

วันจันทร์ที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Network Management Sales Leads? Telemarketing Is Great

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Working in the IT sector can be tiring. And why not? With the current state of the economy, there is no doubt that a number of companies are having a difficult time keeping up with their business operations. For those who are in the brink of closing down, they have to rely on an age old technique that has been proven useful and effective - telemarketing. It's true; telemarketing is a direct marketing tactics that gave firms hope in this competitive world. It's the best for getting network management sales leads, since this method is designed to actually get these. You can be sure that with the help of professional telemarketers, more business prospects can come into your firm. That's good news, since your firm is dependent on getting new business to work.

What makes IT telemarketing such an ideal tool for business is its ability to penetrate barriers. We all know that it can be very difficult to look for new markets because of the lack of advertising. Companies these days need a good marketing plan to attract the attention of these prospective customers. It's for this reason that they have gone to rely on telemarketing services to produce results. When it comes to delivering good professional managed services sales leads, telemarketing is the right method to use. There is this quality in telemarketing that makes it possible even for small firms to find new markets. Indeed, a single telephone call can bring as much results as that of hundreds of printed flyers, dozens of radio promotions, and a couple of TV advertisements. You just have to try it to see its true powers.

There are also other functions that telemarketing can work on. For example, it can deliver good network maintenance sales leads for companies involved in the repair, management, and maintenance of a company's network systems. Telemarketing is also a nifty tool when it comes to making good network management sales leads. That's the kind of asset that can be used to get new sales or to improve their position in the market. So many things can be gained with the use of telemarketing. It's very easy to use, affordable, and delivers the leads to you in a very quick manner. You don't have to worry anymore about getting a good start in business. Telemarketing will be there to make things happen. Any company concerned in improving their sales would know that telemarketing would be the right answer for the firm.

IT sales can be possible with telemarketing services. There's no doubt that something as simple as this can actually bring the solutions needed by any firm. Think about it. Telemarketing has been around for decades. The mere fact that it has lasted this long only shows just how viable it is in improving the operations of a business. With the quality of the leads that they deliver, there is no doubt that these professional telemarketers have what it takes to bring an IT firm to a better position. Despite its seemingly "low-tech" appearance, telemarketing has proven itself to be the ultimate tool in IT sales. You can be sure of success with the use of this direct marketing method. Let's just say that this is merely an investment on a new marketing campaign, and it's one that you are so sure of succeeding. You won't be disappointed.

Do you want to give it a try? You should. This is an opportunity that you shouldn't let go. There are tons of things that you can gain with telemarketing.

Phillip Mckenzie is a successful lead generation and appointment setting consultant specializing in IT Telemarketing. To know more about IT Telemarketing, Phillip recommends you to visit http://www.it-sales-leads.com/