วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

ERP Solutions Gain Marketing Advantage With Telemarketing

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Software solutions don't just market themselves. One can ask themselves, did Windows gain popularity in a day? Or even Macintosh at that? It took the original programmers of these software a lot of hard work to get the popularity they have today.

Today, software solutions come by another name, especially to business owners. Nowadays, these solutions can also be called ERP; also known as Enterprise Resource Planning solutions. It is because a company does not need a simple software that only does commands and applications for leisure activities. They are in need of applications that contribute to the welfare and growth of their company's operations, functions, and even their finances.

True enough, there are tons of ERP programmers and resellers that offer such needed computer applications to those who need them.

As stated earlier within this article, such organizations that offer these solutions need to work hard to market their software. This may cost them quite a lot in terms of expending their resources, their effort, their time, and their money. To deal with this situation, they can acquire the aid of professionals found in telemarketing firms.

Professional telemarketing firms can aid programmers, manufacturers, and resellers of ERP solutions, especially when it comes to their software lead generation. To generate quality ERP leads, professional telemarketers take charge of their client's marketing campaign with the use of their expertise and various tools to help them in achieving a profitable outcome from their campaign.

Let us look into these things with more detail.

First of all, their expertise; generating ERP leads should be dealt with the right level of knowledge and understanding about the prospect's industry. Additionally, the sales representative should know by heart the various talking skills to pique the interests of said leads. Telemarketing firms are constantly in the know about the latest trends in software lead generation campaigns and incorporate them into the minds of their professionals.

Secondly, let us take notice of the tool they use for software lead generation. Primarily, they have a highly detailed and very lengthy list of potential clients to contact. This way, the software developer or the seller can be promised of a lot of leads to which are sales ready and almost willing to undergo with the purchase of said ERP solutions

Lastly, let us take into consideration the pipeline that they use. It is an innovation for the telemarketing firm's clients to immediately know, realtime in fact, of the coming appointments that have been set with their ERP leads. Hence, they can immediately act if a business appointment has been set and they can act accordingly to convert said prospect into a certified client of their software solution.

ERP software developers and resellers should take heed in outsourcing their lead generation campaign as quickly as possible. They should remember that they are not the only software organization in this earth and they are not the only ones who know of the immense aid of professional telemarketers. If they spend too much time contemplating on whether or not they should outsource to expert call center agents, then they risk their competitors getting ahead of them with each second they waste.

Claire Hansen works as a marketing communications program manager. She is inviting you to visit http://www.erpsoftwareleads.com/ to learn more about lead generation and appointment setting for the software industry.

วันจันทร์ที่ 13 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Is Telemarketing The Future of Your IT Company?

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

This is a question that has long been asked by many entrepreneurs. The IT business has shown itself to be capable of aggressive development. And this can be for your company, too. That is, if your company has the right tools to make that happen. If not, then you ore in a heap of trouble. The worst case is to see your competitors getting the lead. In cases like these, it does make sense to take advantage of what IT leads have to offer. After all, these qualified business leads can be a big help for companies that are looking for better business deals, as well as examining the latest trends in their markets. Yes, these leads can be difficult to obtain, but you can still got them. All you need is to use professional IT lead generation services. This may sound too simple four you, but this method presents a lot of potentials to got your firm going.

In today's business, especially in the IT industry, selling IT services can be tough. You do not know who your willing buyers are, and there is the chance that the market you are trying to enter has absolutely no need for what you offer. In cases like these, you will need to know where to find your business prospects, and this is where professional lead generation services come in. This is the best method for you to get the best IT leads that you and your marketing team can follow up. More likely than not, you will be able to succeed in sealing that lucrative deal or making that profitable sale. You will need these leads in order to identify the people and companies, as well as the general market that you can invest in. This is possible with the help of lead generation services. The key here is in choosing professional telemarketing services.

Now, this is where the critics come in. Many of these experts claim that telemarketing will simply ruin your business. And that is with good reason. Past history with telemarketing services, with their aim to sell regardless of social backlash, has affected many firms in their views about this method. Still, the present form of this tool has changed drastically. As an important lead generation tool, this is the only method that can reach the most number of people in the most efficient way. Does it still cause trouble? Sure - for those who are not happy with this. But for the vast majority of companies that have used this to support, they will say that this medium has worked well with them. While there are other lead generation mediums available, there is no doubt that telemarketing is still the best medium for the job. It will be to your company's advantage if you could use this kind of service. It is an investment that is worth trying out.

In the end, only you can decide whether this lead generation services can help your company or not. But it is worth it. Just give it a try.

Phillip Mckenzie is a successful lead generation and appointment setting consultant specializing in IT Telemarketing. To know more about IT Telemarketing, Phillip recommends you to visit http://www.it-sales-leads.com/.

วันเสาร์ที่ 4 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Cold Calling Success By Design

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Many (many!) salespeople and entrepreneurs would rather visit their dentist for a root canal than spend an hour or so on the telephone cold calling.


The number one reason is a previous uncomfortable cold calling experience, which happens when we:

1) call outside our target market, bothering people with a message that doesn't apply to them; or

2) call the right potential customer, but use the wrong approach.

Once you put the necessary research into identifying your target market, ask these questions to design a successful cold calling campaign:

1. Can your message be delivered whether or not you speak directly with a specific contact?

If you can answer "yes" to this question, your campaign can be built around the easiest of cold calls.

For example, you might be inviting a large number of people to an event and you already have their email addresses. Simply compose an energetic, detail-filled message that can be left on voice mail and include a promise that more information is on the way.

The call might sound like this - "Hi Joan Smith, this is Dave Jones calling from ABC Company. I want to invite you and a guest to our incredible launch event tomorrow night which includes some well-known comedians, fabulous food and the chance to win one of several exciting prizes. I do have your email here, so I'm going to take the liberty of sending you an invitation with all the details. Of course don't hesitate to call or write with any questions or comments. All of my contact information will be in the email. I do look forward to seeing you at the launch!"

These are fun calls. They can be made quickly and when done with an energetic, welcoming voice, they always produce results. Not only that, by including a promise in your message (to send email), and then keeping it, you build trust.

2. Does your message need to result in a face-to-face meeting?

These calls are challenging because you have to reach someone in real-time, you must highlight the benefits of your product or service very quickly before asking for the meeting, and you must get the meeting organized in the first conversation. Approximately 50% more prospects will say "yes" to a meeting during a well-designed first call than in follow up conversations.

For example: "Hi Joan Smith, this is Dave Jones calling from ABC Company. The reason for my call today is we work in your industry providing tax advice that saves our clients as much as 15% on their tax bills each year. What I want to do today is organize a brief 20 minute meeting between you and our senior tax analyst to investigate the possibility of saving you money in this tax year. Would Tuesday or Wednesday of this week work for you?"

When asking for a meeting it is important to suggest specific dates. Everyone we contact today is busy, overwhelmed. When we ask the question "When can you meet with me?", it draws the prospect's attention to their entire calendar which is crowded with appointments and deadlines; it increases the likelihood of their responding with "Send me some information and I'll get back to you."

When you ask about specific dates, it narrows their focus, and helps them to see half-hour possibilities that allow for the meeting.

3. Does your message need to educate your prospect about your product or service?

This is the most difficult of cold calls - when your product or service is so unique or complex that a detailed conversation is needed in order to build your customer base and motivate people to find out more about you.

These calls require specific scripting and it is best to do some role playing before picking up the phone. You are designing a type of verbal choreography where you will use open-ended questions to inspire conversation and raise the interest of your target market.

These calls must also have excellent support materials that can be sent out by email and a commitment from all the salespeople to follow up diligently.

Selling magazine advertising is a good example of this type of call. Salespeople need to inspire conversation about the publication's circulation and its connection to the potential advertiser's target market. They need to send out links to the magazine online or a copy by regular mail, a rate card and testimonials. And they need to follow up faithfully in order to make the sale.

Increasing revenue through telephone sales is a valid option for a wide-variety of products and services. Success is in the details. Before putting salespeople on the phone, take the time to design your campaign so that your approach suits both your product and your audience.

Designing a cold calling campaign can be made easier with help and insight from someone with experience. I've spent 25 years calling companies both large and small, in North America and overseas, connecting with managers and CEOs. Please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss how I can help you create a cold calling strategy that will result in more sales and more customers. maryjane@thephonelady.ca